Ethical Artificial Intelligence
In today’s world, the rapid advancements in A.I. technology
Have been increasingly integrated in all aspects of our lives.
Artificial Intelligence platforms such as ChatGPT and digital
assistants like Alexa and Siri make our lives so much easier.
The exponential evolution of A.I. is ushering in innovative
breakthroughs in healthcare, science, technology, business
and education. However, A.I. also has the real potential to
disrupt our economy by displacing millions of workers across
professions most believe are safe within 7 years or sooner.
We can pray the deployment of A.I. are done ethically and
responsibly. But history has taught us humans are fully
capable of choosing greed over preserving humanity and
the environment. Therefore, our company aims to leverage
our technology and ethical A.I. apps for wellness treatment and
training future workforces to help sustain people’s livelihoods.